
That feeling

Christmas by Erin W. on Grooveshark
I can not believe there is just t-minus four days left before our glorious savior, Jesus Christ is born. Christmas! What an amazing time. But as I'm growing older and becoming more aware of the problems of the world, the little girl inside me seems to be disappearing. I just don't feel the same joy as I used to. (plus it's not helping that in my city, the snow is nonexistant!!)
maybe the reason I am feeling this way is because I am influenced by so many other different things that I had no clue existed before I gradually grew up. I had excitement instead of anxiety and play dates instead of due dates. 
Plus nothing was really happening that was Christmas-y. I mean there was the music and decorations and of course- the movies. But I still felt empty. 
Tonight, after 6:00 church, my family and I went over to our neighbors for caroling-- and I have to tell you- the unmistakable feeling of just Christmas was with me. All of us were singing carols and  drinking spiced hot chocolate.

A smile was on my face and in my heart the whole time. 

The seven of us walked back home, and to my surprise, there  was a package adressed to me!! It was marked "from Santa" and when I opened it, I found a beautiful knit hat and scarf, plus some treats and a mug with my name on it!! I was freakin out. Everyone claimed to have no idea what or who it was from. You have to believe me on this one- I still have no idea it is from. I think I was kind of in shock because, really, who would buy me those nice things, leave it on my front step with no name or address? 
I just want to say that I am so incredibly thankful, even though it was just something small. It's not exactly about the content. Just that someone out thought about me. 
Now, I've been thinking. Since someone did this to me, and gave me this awesome feeling, I want to do the same for them! We must remember that this season is really about giving. The joy that comes with it is irreplaceable. 
Sort of like the 'pass it on' campaign.
I have some ideas..... :)
How would you pass it on? And who would it be?

x   x Erin

ps. addicted to Josh Groban's voice this time of year 

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xx erin